The T2T online panel discussions provide members with great answers to topical questions on a regular basis. The following links are an archive of resources from past T2T sessions. 

Materials from Past Treasurer-to-Treasurer Sessions

  • July 2024
         Sample Spreadsheet - Tracking Property Tax Distributions
  • April 2024

         Tax Project Plan - Ann Arbor example
         Tax Bill Process - New Tax Year Summer, Southfield example
         Tax Bill Process - Winter, Southfield example
         Tax Bill Rollout Schedule - Summer, Southfield example
         Tax Bill Rollout Schedule - Winter, Southfield example
         Records Retention - State of Michigan resource
         Summer Roll Checklist - Kentwood example
         Winter Roll Checklist - Kentwood example

  • July 13 2022


          PRE Assessor form

  • June 8 2022
          IFT Spreadsheets for ISD Percentage - Summer and Winter
  • March 9 2022

          Check off list sample - City of Manistee
          Oath sample - City of Manistee
          TIF Settlement sample - City of Manistee

  • February 9 2022
   Township Focus Magazine with ARPA Article (page 18)
   Michigan Treasury Webpage - Resource for Accounting/Finance Duties
   US Treasury ARPA Website 
   City of Rochester - Sample reporting document (if you're unfamiliar with Excel, this may be difficult to adopt).
   MMTA Legislative Meeting Notes - January 2022
  • November 10, 2021

         ISD Share
         OPRA Collections
        Tax Payment Distribution
        State Form 3865 Voucher
        State Payment Voucher F3865
        Records Retention 1
        Records Retention 2
        GR Sample OPRA Current
        GR Sample OPRA Delinquent
        GR Sample
        SOM Retention Schedule Link
        MSU Extension Presentation - How to Spend ARPA Funds with a revenue/loss calculation here
        ARPA Calculator on MGFOA Site

  • October 13, 2021
        Record Retention Form
  • August 4, 2021
  • July 7
  • June 9
  • March 10, 2021

    Tax Collection Spreadsheet Sample
    Who Gets What - Interest & Penalty Info
    Public Act 20 (investments)

    Record Retention Schedules for Treasurers
    -- General record retention schedules for local government
    -- Township
    -- City/Village
    -- County
    Coronavirus relief package - funding estimatesPlease NOTE final formula allocations will be developed by the U.S. Department of the Treasury once the legislation is signed into law and may differ from the estimated amounts provided. Villages also don't appear on this list; here's what Chris Hackbarth from the MML explained: [Villages] are supposed to…we [the MML] have not shared any lists yet because of the issues that are still being worked out with these congressional committee estimates. We have been told that ALL local units, including Michigan’s villages will receive an allocation under this funding. We are working with our partners at the National League of Cities to get the estimate lists updated to reflect Michigan’s villages. As soon as we have a solid list, we will share it. I would caution using the estimates listed on that sheet for any of the non-entitlement communities since the numbers may change as the corrections are made to Michigan and other states. The CDBG/entitlement estimates and the state’s overall estimate seem to be fairly solid.
  • February 10, 2021: Chat Notes, Sample Depository Designation, MCL 211.43b Depository Designation, MCL 211.44 Statutory Hours, MTA OMA FAQSummer Tax Deferment FAQ
  • January 6, 2021Striking Delinquent Personal Property Tax
  • Legislative Updates -  Information on the Rafaeli case regarding the retention of tax foreclosure proceeds.